Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Go Jags!

Jonah has entered the world of organized sports. He, along with cousin Ethan and his friend Hudson, are playing for a YMCA 3-4 year old soccer team, with the team name assigned of the Jaguars. Brian is the coach and Jonah could not be more excited about playing each week. Here are a few pictures from the first game.

The team "taking a knee" and getting a pep talk from Coach Daddy/Brian before their first big game. The pep talk probably involved letting them know that you are supposed to kick the ball into one specific goal and not the other. Oh, and stay inside the lines.
Babysitter Emma had a very happy cousin Abby to play with.
The big guy.
Jonah scored a goal in his first game! Being the selfless, tenderheart that he is, he decided to help the other team out and put it in their net.
Jonah and Hudson intense in the action.
Water girl.
Ethan scored two goals (in the right goal)! Elise is a proud sister. An Abby sized chair.
Jonah throwing the ball in.
If you happened to be keeping score (Coach Daddy may or may not have been) one can be led to believe that the Coach, I mean Jags, gained their first victory. Way to go guys and gals.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Nice! Can't believe he's big enough (er I should say old enough) for organized sports!!!! Go Jags!