Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Few Random Photos

Here are some recent pictures of our little goofs. Jonah has been pretty hilarious lately with some of his random comments, so I will try and remember to post some of his best comments when they come up. I think I've failed to mention that Abby has been walking for the last month or so, so pictures to come of that as well. She's as cute as can be with her own little spunky personality and cuddling like crazy. Her hair is also dangerously close to ponytail length, which I have been anxiously waiting for. Little girl ponytails are so cute!!

Do you see a theme with Jonah pictures/videos? The boy is a ham. If you could look at pictures of Brian and me when we were little, there aren't many where we aren't making a silly face. Brian especially. This child has no hope.
This was Abby's favorite way to eat for a while. Feet on the table.
Jonah made a caterpillar play-doh creation all on his own. He also has been writing a few letters of the alphabet lately. What a smart cookie.
This is a photo of his recent concert (see previous post). He has had quiet a few repeat concerts, so if you're in the mood for free entertainment come on over. He is very interactive. Also, note his basketball uniform. This gets worn at least four times a week.
When I took a picture of Abby with her feet on the table, Jonah wanted a picture of him too. This is what he did to pose.
More to come....!


joel, maggie said...

It's too bad your kids aren't cute.

the indiansandpirates said...

We want to play with you!:)

The Davies said...

LOOK AT ABBY'S LONG LUXURIOUS HAIR!!!!!!!!!!! What a cutie pie!!! I can't wait to see it in a ponytail!!