Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wild World of Sports

The August-travelling Conklins recently made a trip out to Ohio to stay with Papa and Mimi for a few days. Luckily we were able to meet up with Mark, Steph, Eli, and Toby for an evening of food and bowling while we were there. What an intense game it was.

These two guys have some serious fun together.

This is a great shot of the crew.

We spent the rest of the week hanging out at Papa and Mimi's house, mainly in the backyard playing some ball.

Daddy also turned the big 2-8 while we were there, so of course we had to celebrate with some cake and an Indians game! The Indians didn't win, but Jonah pretty much had the best day of his life, so that is a present enough for daddy.
We had fun Papa and Mimi. Thanks!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hitting the Road

Last Wednesday through Sunday Jonah partied with family while Mommy, Daddy, and Abby headed south to Oklahoma City for a wedding. Mommy and Abby headed even farther south for a few of those days to Dallas to visit some of mommy's friends from high school. Jonah was a trooper while we were away and was anxious to tell us all the fun that he had with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Reed, Aunt Dana, and his cousins at home. Thanks guys!

Abby was honestly perfect the entire trip. She was entirely sleep deprived, but as happy as can be. It was great to be able to give her a few days of undivided attention. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted, Abs. :)
On Thursday Abby and I made it to Texas and met up with Chelle and her baby Emory, born two days after Abby. Traci, who now lives in Nashville and Sarah (forever known as Loyd to me) were also there.They're friends.
The next night we figured we'd hang out and get some Chili's take out after the girls went to sleep. We then thought it'd be fun to eat it on Sarah's china. However, as we sat down, we figured we were probably dressed a little to informal and would look silly eating on such nice dishes. The only obvious choice was to wear old bridesmaid/prom dresses of Loyd's.
What... you don't do this?

Sarah playing a little guitar hero in her wedding gown. I think the veil is a nice touch.
Now to the real wedding and the reason we went. Brian was in his best friend and teammate from college, Adam's, wedding on Saturday. I would have pictures of the bride and groom in their dress and tux, but they sort of ate, changed, and left. Go figure.Here's the bride in her drive-off dress.
We had a wedding day four years ago. Abby wasn't there though. Doesn't Brian look sharp?

It was a lot of fun to be able to catch up with some of Brian's old teammates. Look at this crew. From left to right, Justin Boeker, Marques McCarty, Brian, and Jake Muhlheisen.

We leave this Wednesday for Ohio to see Mimi and Papa, so stay tuned for more pictures of our travels. We already have fishing, Brian's birthday, and an Indians game on tap, so it should be a doozy.

From Jonah's Lens

Here's what the world looks like from a 2 year old's view. The house is even messier it appears from a little higher up, and daddy is basically a giant. Jonah needs to get our camera more often.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lake Swimming

This weekend we went to the lake with some of our friends. Abby has disliked her baths lately, so we wondered how she would take to the water. She loved it of course. Go figure. Jonah loved it also, as usual, and daddy and I didn't have such a terrible time either. Here are a few pictures.

I decided that taking them to the deep end where they can't escape is about the only time I can get them both to stay still enough for a picture.

Daddy's turn

Just the boys
Just the girls
Brittany and Maren
Heidi and Xander
Land lubber Hudson (one day younger than Jonah) and Libby
Jonah learning to swim
I think he likes it, folks!
What a sweetheart.

Well, Brian, Abby and I are off to OK City to see Adam get hitched! Jonah is staying here with Granparents and cousins. Abby and I will also head down to Dallas and visit Traci, Chelle, Sarah, and most importantly, Emory. Many pictures to come I'm sure...