Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lake Swimming

This weekend we went to the lake with some of our friends. Abby has disliked her baths lately, so we wondered how she would take to the water. She loved it of course. Go figure. Jonah loved it also, as usual, and daddy and I didn't have such a terrible time either. Here are a few pictures.

I decided that taking them to the deep end where they can't escape is about the only time I can get them both to stay still enough for a picture.

Daddy's turn

Just the boys
Just the girls
Brittany and Maren
Heidi and Xander
Land lubber Hudson (one day younger than Jonah) and Libby
Jonah learning to swim
I think he likes it, folks!
What a sweetheart.

Well, Brian, Abby and I are off to OK City to see Adam get hitched! Jonah is staying here with Granparents and cousins. Abby and I will also head down to Dallas and visit Traci, Chelle, Sarah, and most importantly, Emory. Many pictures to come I'm sure...

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