Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Innocent One

So cute and flashing his smile like crazy all the time lately, but at this particular moment it was while I was making dinner. See if you notice Abby at the end... "Jonah, lets go play tag!!" We are bussssssssssssy around here! But loving it (most of the time).

Brian thought this one was worth the upload too... enjoy!

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Incident (also known as The Great Hair Massacre of '10)

This is Abby a little over two weeks ago. In August we had gotten her hair cut, and it actually was cut a bit shorter than I was aiming for. The stylist asked her if she wanted it a bit shorter and Abby said yes, so shorter it went. (Why was no one asking me??) Anyway, apparently Jonah thought it needed to go a bit shorter.
Two weeks ago today, Abby was napping, Jonah was in his room for quiet time, and I was downstairs attempting to calm Levi down enough to nap. Around 2:15 or so he finally fell asleep and was sleeping on my chest. Around 2:30, I heard Abby get out of bed and sneak into Jonah's room. She knows she's not supposed to do that and I sort of waited to see what would happen. Not wanting to wake up Levi from a much needed nap (his fussy tummy has made a good nap a rare occurrence), I could hear them playing in Jonah's room and decided to let it slide. Abby had slept 1 1/2 hours and if they were nicely playing in there, I figured I would let them be. They have been bickering a lot lately, so I was sitting downstairs so glad they were getting along, picturing them looking at books together and sweetly playing. After roughly an hour of them playing up there quietly (which sounds like a while, but I could hear them playing for the first half hour and really there's nothing that they could get in trouble with up there... I thought), Jonah came down. I was so proud of their getting along and excitedly said "Jonah, what were you guys playing in there?" Jonah proceeded to tell me that he cut Abby's hair. I asked him "What?" figuring he just cut a tiny bit and felt so guilty that he needed to tattle on himself. He told me that he wanted to make a nest and was using Abby's hair to make it. Next thing I know, Abby turned the corner and this is what I saw.
At this point, I think I said something along the lines of "Nobody move!" They were looking at each other cracking up. Abby then said that she went potty in her pants BOTH WAYS, which is I think the reason she woke up in the first place... she had to go to the bathroom. I immediately called Brian telling him to come home, briefly explaining him what happened, and assuring him that it was probably worse than he was imagining. I then put Abby on the toilet, called my mom, called a friend, and tried to figure out what on earth to do. Really, I was trying to figure out how to undo it, but clearly that wasn't possible. I cleaned Abby up, made an immediate haircut appointment explaining the situation on the phone, and once Brian got home cried. :) I mostly was in shock about it all, but the main thing that was hard for me was how different she looked. Where did my little girl go?? Brian and I went to check out the scene of the crime.

The nest
The barber's chair
More perspectives of the cut. This side isn't so bad.
The back, top, and right side were all pretty short. As in, some areas, including the bangs, were almost to the scalp.
Getting the hair cut. Clearly Abby has no problem with her hair as it is.
She got it buzzed down to a 2 in the back!!!
The final pixie wanna-be cut. :) The gap in the bangs is hard to work around.
Jonah, is that you?? :)
Tuesday morning, Abby woke up, looked in the mirror, and said "I look like a boy." So, we decided to go to something super girly and get her ears pierced. :) She was excited about it and knew she wanted pink diamonds. It was a nice relief to have something to have people talk about when they saw her other than her hair. She loves the earrings and felt girly once again. She may look a bit different, but she's still our sweet (but crazy) little girl.
And her partner in crime, Jonah, has been forgiven and has learned his lesson. If you ask him, he'll tell you "I will never, ever, ever cut anyone's hair again."
Morals to the story:
- Kids are crazy
- Take scissors away from Jonah unless supervised :)
- Quiet ALWAYS equals trouble, even if you don't know what they possibly could find to get in trouble with
- I clearly needed to be humbled. I didn't know how much I treasured Abby's hair. It is OK to think it's beautiful, but vanity had found it's way into my train of thought and I had put my daughter's appearance in a place of too much value.
- Hair is just hair. It has already started growing back a bit and doesn't have the "freshly massacred" look anymore. Really though, I'm just so thankful that no one got hurt and other than a couple of tiny nicks, Abby was just fine.
In the end, we will someday have quite the story and pictures for Abby's rehearsal dinner.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September Happenings

I am rather behind on posting, so September is just going to have to be conbined into one post. "The Incident" however, will be it's own post on another day. If you don't know what I'm speaking of, be ready. It's a doozy.

Jonah started preschool! Here are the obligatory posed pictures. I just love his sweet closed-mouth smiles.
To Jonah's left, is Faith. Jonah talks often of his friend Faith and how much fun he has with her, and how he wants her to come over to play someday, and how she is really fun and beautiful. We need to learn more about this Faith.
We went apple picking again this year and Reed, Dana and the kids came along too. And also their neighbor friend, Kaitlyn, on the far left.
I'm a mom of three! So crazy.
These guys are buddies. They also love to wrestle and beat up on each other to the point of tears. Then they do this immediately afterwards. Oh, boys....
Look at that hair in Abby's face. Someone ought to do something about that....
Labor Day was an exciting day for us this year. The night before, we decided on a whim to get a hotel room in town on priceline and it ended up being a blast. We swam, had a picnic dinner and breakfast in the hotel, and Jonah and Abby shared a bed for the first time. They have been asking when they can do it again. :) The next morning we woke up and headed downtown to the Labor Day parade. We had never gone before and it was a lot of fun! It was also a beautiful day, which was great.
Getting a better view. Tall daddys come in handy for this.
All the floats threw candy and the kids would run and gather as much as they could. Jonah and Abby got quite the loot.
I don't know why Garfield and Odie made the parade. Does anyone really know who they are anymore? Certainly not my kids. I'm guessing these were the floats available in the parade bargain bin. :)
Jonah was very excited to see Iron Man, even though he has no clue who he is. Same with R2D2.
By the time we got home from our Labor Day adventures, Abby was ready to nap on the floor.
Another thing we did this year was go to the Hot Air Balloon festival. Once again, it did not disappoint!
This year they had a balloon on its side that the kids could play in. It was like a non-bouncy bounce house and the kids had a blast.
Bonus points for counting how many balloons there were.
Abby INSISTS on doing everything by herself... when she's with mommy and daddy. She loves, however, to let Emma do everything for her. And Emma loves to do it.
Can you see Levi? He's spent most of our outings hanging out in the baby carrier. Thankfully he likes it!
All night Brian was saying, "Should I get a funnel cake? No, I don't need one." After the third time of saying that, I suddenly saw him in line. :)
So beautiful! This is again proving to be one of our favorite family nights of the year.
Our no-napping Jonah is wiped out by the end of our nights lately. Finally a child that will sleep in the car!
And I haven't put nearly enough pictures up of Levi! I finally captured one of his adorable smiles on camera. They melt me!
He loves playing under his play mat these days. He's made a buddy in the octopus. :)
This is from today. What a strong boy!
What are you lookin' at?

Monday, September 6, 2010


Jonah is VERY into building things lately, which may or may not be egged on by Grandpa. Where else would Jonah get all of his sweet building stuff from? This project was a book shelf for Levi's room. We still need to paint and install it, but for now here it is in the early stages...

Soon enough big guy, you'll be joining in the fun.
Abby woke up from her nap and came in to help finish off the shelf.
Papa and Mimi also stopped for a visit on their way back home from a bus trip tour of the western US. Papa and Jonah had some stick sword fighting going.
They love playing with Papa and Mimi and I think they get as worn out by Papa and Mimi as Papa and Mimi are by them. :)