Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Good and the Bad

First, a few non-disaster zone updates. We have eggs once again this year! This will be our third summer in this house and every summer we've had a nest with eggs. How fun! The kids keep getting lifted up each day to see if they've hatched.
Second, the garden has begun. These pictures were actually taken about a week ago and we have tall green onions, carrots sprouting, and spinach leaves appearing. And, something new this year, we have two broccoli plants with the broccoli starting to come in. Abby, our broccoli girl, is very excited. Jonah, not so much.
And the strawberries are already promising to be much more plentiful this year, which is great considering how fast the kids devour them.
Now for the good and the bad.
The good: Our drywall is almost complete and should be finished tomorrow.

The bad: Our house is dusty. Everywhere.

The good: We can paint the kitchen tomorrow and I have actually picked out a color I love. Sherwin Williams Silver Gray, which actually looks a bit green for whatever reason. This swatch doesn't look anything like it looks to me on the wall, but whatever. I like it.

The bad: The cabinets that were to get installed tomorrow (and the entire reason why we started the remodel in the first place) aren't going to work. Back to square one on the cabinets. Not good.

The good: In a frantic search to find new cabinets, we stumbled upon 3 cancelled orders for kitchens of the exact same wood, stain, and style that are at about a third of the normal price. Complete score! Here is a stock photo of the exact cabinets.

The bad: They don't have exactly the right pieces we need, so some would maybe need to be ordered. They will take 4 weeks to come in. BIG OUCH!!

The good: We have almost enough base cabinets from them to make what we have work and keep forging ahead.

The bad: There is essentially no way the kitchen will be completely finished for at least another month. Usable perhaps, but the project done, no.

The good: I am selling the cabinets we can't use on Craigslist (among other items from our former kitchen that are no longer needed) and we are making very good money on it. Enough to buy hopefully a new kitchen table that is bigger and better suits our needs and a few pieces of furniture for our living room.

So, that's where we're at. Hopefully the next pictures I put up are of painted walls. Can't wait to get this dust out!

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