Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Latest

A few updates, but unfortunately we don't have any current garden pictures. That will have to wait. Jonah and Abby have both seemed to be growing up lately. Jonah is drawing pictures of family members (photo below) and has been expanding his imagination. About a month ago he started leading his imaginary horse, Silas, around the house. Silas became his buddy, who he even makes extra room in his bed for. But Jonah's entourage wasn't done yet. About a week after that Jonah had a tiny baby jaguar that sits in the palm of his hand. He has no name, and is just known as baby jaguar. Next, it was his dog Flash, who is a dalmatian and loves to lick Jonah's face. And, as of this weekend, he now has a baby fish named Splash, who I'm pretty sure is Nemo inspired. Periodically they will be coming and going, but they are always there and want me to say goodnight to them at naptime and bedtime. I'm not sure where he got this from, but it's pretty funny.
Abby is finally in the realm of understanding and can nod yes and no and actually understand what she's telling you. Not only is this extremely helpful, it's also very cute. "Yep" and "No" are said in about the girliest voice you can imagine. She also is really into the habit of wanting each and every toy that Jonah decides to play with. Unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, Jonah isn't looking for her to come take it from him. This is a new task for me as mommy: conflict management. I'm sure that will be a primary role for me for at least the next 20 years...

The eggs hatched! Here are the baby doves that hung out at our house for about a week and then flew away. I was fortunate to get a picture, as the mommy dove had her eye on me and was none too happy.
One of Jonah's drawings, as mentioned above. This is of daddy.
Abby is obviously up to no good here. Perhaps on the way to try and take her brother's toy?
A few weeks ago we all were able to go hang out with daddy at an FCA Golf Scramble. Jonah even was able to play a few holes with the team. He honestly sees himself as one of the guys and will even lower his voice when he talks to adults. It's pretty funny.
The old thumbs up.
Finally able to make use of his birthday gift golf clubs and Christmas gift golf glove, which he wore all day long.

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