Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Great Outdoors

Today we had a reprieve from the rain so we took advantage of it while we could. Also, a few updates from the homefront. We have a nest... with eggs! A dove has made a little home on our arbor in the backyard and laid two eggs. Hopefully we can get some pictures when the little eggs hatch. The kids love being lifted up to check out the nest and look at the eggs. This is a picture from a rare moment when the mama wasn't sitting in the nest.
I think I mentioned the garden in one of the last posts (maybe?) but we have a blueberry bush as well.
I'm not a blueberry expert, and in fact I've never seen a blueberry bush before owning this one, but I think we have some blueberries coming in!

The kids showing off the garden. Kudos to daddy for getting the rabbit fencing up.
Almost three weeks ago we planted some spinach seeds and now we have 8 of these coming up. Spinach!
Right next to the spinach we also have 16 onions growing. We just planted some romaine lettuce and carrots a few days ago, so hopefully we will have more coming up soon.
And on the other end of the garden we have our strawberry patch. We can't pick them until July since it's the first year, but Jonah is SO excited.
Then I convinced the kids to let me take a few pictures of them. What cuties!!
Love these kids!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

You have ADORABLE kiddos!! I love your garden! We started one too! We only have a few things planted so far, but a ton of little plants filling up our kitchen counter to plant. You're quite the photographer!!!