Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Catching Up

Well, it has been a long time since I have blogged, but it has not been without reasons. First of all, I have three young kids. Get off my back. Second of all, the end of 2011 and certainly 2012 thus far have brought many, many changes. So far this year, we have sold our home, lived at my parents for 2 1/2 months in the interim, then moved into our new home. We have changed churches, leaving our former church to help plant a new church in the Gretna area. This was also the reason for our move. (More info on the church here if you're interested). We have also changed schools, which was thankfully an easy transition.  All of these changes have drastically changed life as we knew it, but all have been exciting and positive. So, it's been a busy, busy time, but also very exciting.

What hasn't changed, is Brian's job. Many people ask us, so to clarify  he is not a pastor at the new church. We are simply heavily involved in helping plant it and leading in areas as needed. Another thing that hasn't changed is that I am still doing event planning on a part time basis as I stay home with the kids. That makes for about 2 1/2 full time jobs. Levi is one person's full time job. Abby, Jonah, and Brian are another.   Finally, another thing that hasn't changed is that the kids are still amazingly cute, in case you were concerned.  As proof, here are a few pictures I have managed to take in the last year below.

Snow is so fun!
She's 4!
We went downtown for Thanksgiving just as our own little family and stayed over night for the turning on of the lights last year. It was such a fun time and treasured memory.
Cousins! We went to Ohio for Christmas and as usual, had a blast for family.
Jonah turned six and celebrated in superhero style.
Daddy-Daughter Dance
We partied hard as Levi turned two in July.
Our new backyard. Can you believe it? It's beautiful.
Brian had shoulder surgery and Abby is "doctoring" his other arm here, just to make sure he's covered.
We had a family vacation to Kansas City and Lego Land. Levi found the only type of dog he would ever have the chance of getting. :)

Doing the cake walk a Jonah's school carnival in August.


the indiansandpirates said...
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the indiansandpirates said...

Yikes. Issues with our commenting. Love all the pictures, and the description of your 2 1/2 full time jobs!