Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Resurrection Sunday

While we want to be in a state of thanksgiving of the death and resurrection of Christ our Savior everyday, not just during Easter season, it is fun to celebrate the traditions of Easter. I think it's been a few years since the last time I worked up the nerve to dye Easter eggs with the kids, but this year as I was looking through our storage I came across what must have been a clearance dye kit purchase from last year. So, on Good Friday, we dyed some eggs. And they were beautiful!

Look at this crew. Even daddy made it into the picture, in a freaky sort of way.
The finished eggs. Aren't they gorgeous?
I told Jonah he could draw whatever he wanted on the eggs and without our prompting, he drew this. I asked him who it was and he said it was Jesus "see his crown of thorns?" So precious!
Not too bad for writing on an egg!
What a blessing it is to raise our children in light of the Gospel and to the glory of God!

1 comment:

Tori said...

Loved the last few posts Jenny! I was laughing at the video of Abby at dance. She finally got the jumping idea after watching for a little while. You are blessed! Loved Levi's bright blue eyes in the pic of matching pj's! Tori