Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day of Love

Last Saturday was declared "Family Valentine's Party Day" and it actually lived up to the hype. To start the day, Abby and I got haircuts. My first in a year (yikes!) and Abby's second of her life. We are just a couple of low maintenance gals. :) Anyway, here are Abby's before pictures. I had to do two front ones because her poses were just too funny.

We said "Abby, stand still so I can get a picture of your hair."
"No, Abby, keep your head up."
I know, I know. How could I cut this beautiful hair? It was constantly getting caked with food and anything else she felt like being messy with. This was done for the sake of hygiene. The after.
Pretty cute, huh?
My after and also showing off the bump for those who are interested. And I haven't officially announced on our blog, but we're having another baby! A boy in fact, due July 20th. He's already starting to invade my space. :)
To continue to the party, we decorated our dining room and made some heart shaped pizzas for dinner. We also spoiled our kids with a rare treat of punch and also some angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream. Here is a fellow party-goer.
The kids pizza, cheese and black olives. They wouldn't have it any other way.
The decorated room. The kids did a great job coloring the sign and it looks so beautiful in there, I don't want to take it down!
Two out of the three Conklin boys.
And what better way to end the special day than a trip to the pool? Even though it was in the teens outside, the kids always have a blast swimming, particularly when the pool has a hoop as our gym has. This was such a fun day for us and hopefully something we make a point to do every year. We love our family! :)

1 comment:

the indiansandpirates said...

The boys loved looking at these pictures - I have a feeling that we'll be trying our hand at a heart pizza very soon now. Happy belated Valentine's Day to a fun family!