Monday, August 24, 2009


**Please note this post contains no pictures of kids. Please feel free to skip over if needed**

The first weekend in August my college friend Molly and I (Jenny) were blessed enough to be able to take a trip down to Nashville and visit longtime friends Traci and Judd. It was 4 days, 3 nights, and 16 hours of sleep. We had a good time. Brian was sweet enough to watch the kids for the time I was gone and had fun (he claimed), but was equally as exhausted as I was by the time I came home. Our whole house slept from 7:30 pm to 7:30 am that night. That may never happen again, but oh wow was it awesome. :)

Nothing like starting off the trip seeing if Traci can still beat Super Mario Bros. with one life. She didn't this time, but I don't doubt her ability.
The first night we headed out to the Honky Tonk strip downtown. It is exactly what you would expect. A lot of bars with live music and intoxicated karoke.
We figured if we were going to be seen on the strip, we better look the part.
I ALMOST couldn't leave without this shirt. It makes a statement I think. I think it says "I know this shirt doesn't make sense, but I just really like cats."
This is more honky tonk. Better.
Saturday we headed on the "Nash Trash" tour bus. It was quite the experience and pretty funny, but for the record, I don't recommend it. They did have cheese and crackers though.
This poor bride to be in front of us got a hard time, but she was a good sport about it.
Funny! And they could sing too!
Then that night we stumbled on this amazingly adorable big band dance. It was so much fun! Wish we had something like this around here, but we enjoyed it while it lasted.
Warming up a bit.
Sure wish we knew how to swing dance.
... But then they did line dancing! Finally, we joined in. It was extremely fun and we didn't even knock people down with our mess-ups, which was a bonus.
What a fun weekend! Thanks for having us Traci! Brian is impressed with how much taller I am than you two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no pictures of kids? boring.

j/k! Love it- may have to post some of these myself!! It was SUCH a fun trip- especially the nintendo.