Sunday, July 5, 2009

June Days

Even though we had an immensely busy June, we managed to sneak away for a weekend at the lake. We invited out our friends the Jarecke's and Brandon and his kids were out there with us for a chilly, but still very fun few days. Despite the clouds, the kids were still anxious to play in the water.

Jonah with cousins Kaitlyn and Ryan and friend Maren hanging out in the back.Abby and I getting ready to head out for a ride.
Jonah's friend Hudson is like a new man this year. He was loving the water (and Spiderman life jacket)!
Abby and Daddy
Abby just sat and played in the sand for a while.
And Jonah had his first time tubing.
Needless to say, he loved it.
Not yet, Abs.
Chilly, cloudy lake weather=perfect fishing opportunity. And we scored. Mommy, daddy, uncle Brandon, Nick, Hudson and Jonah all managed to catch some lunkers.
Hudson wasn't so sure what to think about this guy.
Nick wasn't so bashful.
And Brittany loves a man who can catch her a catfish dinner. (We did actually eat the guy Nick is kissing above, and Brittany did actually take a bite.)

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