Born 7.14.10 at 4:16pm
7 lbs. 5 oz. 20 in.
For those who are interested (men need not apply), the birth story:
Brian and I made the difficult decision to be induced a bit early. Many of you probably know, but Jonah was 12 days overdue, my water broke, and I still didn't go into labor. He was also 9 lbs. 2 oz. and did a number on me during his delivery. Jonah himself also had some difficulties and needed physical therapy for a few months after birth due to his size. Our very conservative Dr. in Lincoln advised us to induce early with Abby in order to avoid the same delivery scenario occurring, which could possibly cause surgery for me in the future if I had the same difficulty. Abby was induced 4 days early, was 7 lbs. 7 oz., and it was a very easy labor and delivery for both Abby and I. Since this was our first baby in Omaha and we have a new Dr., the decision was really up to us and we decided to stick with our Dr. in Lincoln's advice and induce early to avoid any major complications again. Our Dr. here has no problem inducing at 39 weeks, so at 39 weeks and 1 day we scheduled our induction.
Labor itself was smooth. We got to the hospital at 7 am, I was started on pitocin, and my Dr. came around 8:30 am or so and broke my water. By 10:00 am I was in active labor with contractions 2-3 minutes apart. I was progressing well, got an epidural around noon or so (could there be a more wonderful product of modern medicine??) and at 3:50 pm I was 8 cm dialated. Two contractions later (while both nurse and husband were out of the room!) I could feel I was ready to push. The nurse checked me, and sure enough I was. About 5 minutes later my Dr. was in the room and I all set to push.
Abby was born in two pushes, so I joked that I could have this baby in one push. Not exactly. I had three pushes through the first contraction (pushing MUCH harder than I had to with Abby) and the Dr. could start to see his head. I asked what color his hair was and she said there was not much hair to speak of, but she thought dark. The next contraction I pushed three more times and the Dr. started saying "turn, turn, turn!" (I didn't know why at the time) and she was unsuccessfully trying to turn Levi over as he was face up, instead of face down as babies should be by the time of pushing. On the last contraction I did three more pushes and, with some assistance from my Dr., Levi was born. This is when my Dr. informed me that he had actually come out not only sunny side up, but also with his head tilted up instead of against his chin as babies usually do. When she said she saw no hair, what she was actually looking at was his forehead. She said he basically came out nose first. What a stinker! The nurse and Dr. said that if this was not my third baby and I didn't know how to push, there is now way he would have been born without a c-section. Thank goodness for his "big" big brother who went before him! Other than needing a little help to get the first cry out of him, Levi was born as healthy as can be, albeit with some bruising on the forehead, cheek, and a swollen nose.
On the flip side (boys, plug your ears), I did have similar difficulties to what I had giving birth to Jonah and my recovery has been slow. I lost a significant amount of blood once again and instead of a transfusion, the Dr.'s have decided to see if I can build my iron back up with pills and rest. One week later I still am unable to grocery shop or really do anything too physical for more than 20 minutes or so without being exhausted and even feeling like I need to pass out. Thankfully, we've had some help around here with Brian's parents staying here for the first week, meals from church friends, and Brian able to stay home and help us get into some kind of routine before I go solo on Monday. :)
Levi is a total joy and we are absolutely in love with him. There's nothing like cuddling with a newborn. He is nursing like a champ, sleeping better every night (praise God!!) and becoming more alert every day. Jonah and Abby absolutely love him and are eager to help and cheer him up when he cries. It is such a blessing to see them interact and love on each other. Now, for pictures....
Checking into the hospital. This hospital is actually new and has only been open for about 3 weeks. The nurse had some trouble finding some needed items after Levi's delivery as they are still getting settled, but the food was delicious. :)
Just born. He had a super long piece of umbilical cord as the Dr. was trying to rush to get to me after his delivery and clamped it a bit far out. She also didn't "milk" the cord, so when Brian cut it, blood squirted all over his face, shirt, shorts, and even shoes. :) It was actually pretty funny. Thankfully he had a new shirt to change into before he went out to tell the eager grandparents about the delivery... I think my mom would have passed out.
So happy to finally be able to hold him in my arms.
The grandparents' first time to hold him.
The kids being introduced to Levi for the first time.
Levi gave the kids each a gift. Abby was very excited to get her baby doll from him.
Moving up to post-partum. Shortly after this point, the tornado sirens started going off... We actually had a bit of chaos once we got up there. My epidural hadn't worn off, so we (me on my bed, Levi, Jonah, Abby, Brian, and his parents) were wheeled into the nursery area to wait out the major windstorm. About a half hour later we were finally able to settle in our room.
Jonah holding Levi for the first time. He had been so excited my whole pregnancy for this moment. :)
We are so excited to welcome this guy into our family and have him home. I keep telling Brian that I love the feeling of having three children, no matter how tiring and challenging it may be. He has already been a blessing to us and I can't wait to see him grow and have another little individual running around here! OK, I can wait for the running to begin for a while... :)
So happy to finally be able to hold him in my arms.
The grandparents' first time to hold him.
The kids being introduced to Levi for the first time.
Levi gave the kids each a gift. Abby was very excited to get her baby doll from him.
Moving up to post-partum. Shortly after this point, the tornado sirens started going off... We actually had a bit of chaos once we got up there. My epidural hadn't worn off, so we (me on my bed, Levi, Jonah, Abby, Brian, and his parents) were wheeled into the nursery area to wait out the major windstorm. About a half hour later we were finally able to settle in our room.
Jonah holding Levi for the first time. He had been so excited my whole pregnancy for this moment. :)
Abby's turn.
After the kids and everyone left, we saw this huge double rainbow out our window and it almost looked as if it was coming from our house. It was an awesome reminder of God's promises and protection of us. We also saw some great sunrises out this window.
Proud daddy.
We didn't get pictures of all of our visitors, but here's Aunt Dana holding Levi for the first time.
Cousin Emma, future babysitter in the making.
Cousins Elise and Ethan.
Molly and Dustin, minus their new baby Claire. Molly actually watched Jonah and Abby so Papa and Mimi could be at the hospital during Levi's delivery... thanks Molly!
Heading home.
The first bath at home. Jonah had a hard time watching Levi cry and spent the whole time trying to console him. It was very sweet.
Much better.
Papa and Mimi asked Jonah what he wanted on Levi's birthday cake and Jonah chose "Levi, we're glad you're here". We are!
A fifth grandson for Papa and Mimi. Thanks for all of your help while you were here!!
We are so excited to welcome this guy into our family and have him home. I keep telling Brian that I love the feeling of having three children, no matter how tiring and challenging it may be. He has already been a blessing to us and I can't wait to see him grow and have another little individual running around here! OK, I can wait for the running to begin for a while... :)