The big guy's celebration began again in Ohio, where Papa and Mimi officially made him an Indians fan.
If the glove fits...How did I survive as a child without all this gear?
Now back home, the celebration on the 7th. I think he's "reading" the box to Abby here.
His very own set of clubs. Lefties, by the way. Which also go well with the lefty glove (which actually goes on his right hand) from Papa and Mimi.
I think he looks 12 here. Daddy's hoping to get the boy in action on the links this summer... we shall see. Any predictions on the broken windows for our house? We've already had to nix golfing in the yard when he drove a ball three houses down. Welcome to the neighborhood!
The new scooter. Bonus points if you can find Abby in this picture.
Abby enjoying a little birthday cake.
I mentioned he's full of energy, didn't I?
Jonah had a sports birthday party with his cousins and his friends Hudson and Maren. I'm not sure that Jonah's ever had a better time in his entire life. He still asks when he is having another birthday party. Daddy organized the games and here Brian is explaining the "carry the golf ball on the spoon" relay.
Next up, the "pass the football between your legs" relay. Notice the football field taped on the floor and bleacher seats? The balloons counted as points. The red team, as you can see in the back, has one point from the golf ball relay.